Reseña V Seminario Internacional sobre Comportamiento y Aplicaciones SINCA
congreso, SINCA, reseña, Guadalajara, análisis funcional del comportamiento
congreso, SINCA, reseña, Guadalajara, análisis funcional del comportamiento
congreso, SAVECC, reseña, Córdoba, análisis funcional del comportamiento
ajuste socio-académico, parejas focales, estatus sociométrico, salones de inclusión educativa
Para analizar el ajuste social y académico de niños con necesidades educativas especiales (NEE) y niños regulares (REG) en salones de integración educativa de segundo grado (N=125) se conformaron 12 parejas focales (NEE-REG). Se contrastó el rendimiento académico (RAc) medido con el Inventario de Ejecución Académica (IDEA) y con promedios de calificaciones (PGC), y posteriormente se evaluaron tres variables sociales: 1) estatus sociométrico (ES) para identificar la posición relativa del alumno en el grupo; 2) relaciones de amistad (RDA) para conocer el número de amigos recíprocos y unilaterales; y 3) aceptación social (AS) a fin de saber el nivel de aprobación grupal de cada alumno. Para estimar estabilidad temporal, estas variables se midieron en dos cortes de observación, al final y al principio del siguiente curso escolar. Los resultados mostraron un RAc superior al 18% a favor de los niños REG, pero no hubo diferencias significativas en la medición de las tres variables sociales entre los dos grupos. 60% de NEE y 83% de REG mostraron criterios de ajuste. La estabilidad temporal a seis meses fue baja para las tres variables sociales evaluadas.
bodily events, eliminative materialism, private events, reductionism
Jacobs, Isenhower and Hayes (2016) advocate for the use of recent theoretical and methodological proposals in the field of ecological psychology to overcome long-standing problems in the conceptualization of private events in radical behaviorism, and in the experimental and applied analysis of behavior. They conclude that the notion of patterns of tensegrity at the level of the cell, tissue, or muscle, spreading to higher levels according to the principles of multifractal geometry allows for a better answer to the Skinnerian question “What is inside the skin?” Unfortunately, it is not in the understanding of such bodily events that the problem with privacy lies, but in the abundant conceptual difficulties it brings about, an issue that will not be solved by appealing to (mostly) hypothetical physiological mechanisms. Furthermore, Jacobs et al., overestimate the implications of such analysis for the issue of privacy, and in so doing, have failed in demonstrating how their multiscale approach provides an advantage over other approaches to privacy, particularly the Skinnerian approach.
bodily states, dynamic touch, ecological psychology, multiscaled view, privacy, tensegrity
There are bodily processes and events to which the behaving organism is sensitive. A self-descriptive response, taken as indicating such sensitivity, is not specific to a localized source of stimulation posturing as a private stimulus, but is specific to the coordinative efforts of the body as an integrative whole. The skin does not bound private stimuli or stimulation because stimulatory processes span the organism and environment and cut across the private-public distinction. Private events are not inaccessible; they are multiply scaled. We endeavor to characterize this scaling and lay the foundation for an empirically driven account of privacy. With the multiscaled view as our theoretical guide for inquiry, we propose a characterization of the body from nanoscale to macroscale. This characterization enlightens, as we come to find that the organism is sensitive and responsive to bodily events, processes, and states that take form under certain circumstances. Research on haptic perception and its biological bases provides an example according to which the historically deemed private event can be brought under investigative control.